Very great attention in the countries of the European Union (lawyer European Union), among state bodies, organizations, multinational companies, companies, enterprises, employees, other persons is paid to the protection of personal data. A very large number of employees in all countries of the European Union come from different countries, not only the Union but also from countries outside it.
Data on the number of employees, and data on employees and their personal data and their storage are one of the fundamental values and guarantees given to the individual during the collection and processing of data about him.
Not only are these persons employed, but in some way all persons who have any legal connection with the aforementioned legal entities and who provide their personal data or whose personal data are used for the purpose of performing or executing a legal entity. business.
This time we had several examples of the need to protect personal data in the Czech Republic (lawyer Czech Republic). On the basis of interstate agreements signed by the Czech Republic (lawyer Prague), as well as on the basis of regulations of the European Parliament (Lawyer European Parliament) and the European Council (EC), all written communication and storage of personal data must be performed in accordance with Czech law. Republic and the EU. Respect for the laws of the Czech Republic.
Very precise ways and obligations of communicating and using personal data are clearly regulated and the user is obliged to adhere to them in order to fulfill all his legal obligations.
For more information regarding the exercise of the right to personal data protection in the Czech Republic, as well as the protection and use of other rights in the Czech Republic (lawyer Brno, lawyer Ostrava, lawyer Plzen, lawyer Liberec, lawyer Tabor, lawyer Pardubice) you can call us.
We first invite you to carefully read the content of the text given in more detail in the link below, and then if you think you need legal protection, legal and professional legal assistance, we invite you to contact us. let’s protect
Fake cosmetic surgery, as it is usually called, is a topic that is very common these days in the media, part of the professional public, among people who have suffered damage.
It is very important to emphasize that in terms of legal protection, you enjoy the opportunity to file criminal charges through the law office of NM lawyers for criminal offenses from Chapter 23 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia “criminal offenses against human health”, as well as for another criminal offense. You have the opportunity to file a lawsuit through NM lawyer for compensation for non-pecuniary damage for physical pain, mental pain due to reduced life activity, disability, reputation damage, parts, freedom, death of a loved one, as well as for fear.
If the court finds that the circumstances of the case, and especially the intensity of pain and fear and their duration, justify it, it will award fair monetary compensation, regardless of the compensation for material damage, as well as in its absence.
There is a possibility of filing a lawsuit for compensation for material damage, whereby the responsible person is obliged to restore the situation that existed before the damage occurred. If the restoration of the previous condition does not eliminate the damage completely, the responsible person is obliged to pay compensation in cash for the damage.
The obligation to pay damages is considered due from the moment the damage occurs.
You can discuss all this, as well as numerous other topics, with our lawyers, and then you can take further concrete steps in order to protect your rights and file a lawsuit and criminal complaint.
For more information, please call us at one of the phone numbers left on the contact page.
A large number of citizens of the countries of Southeast Europe (former Yugoslavia) have created the right to a pension in the Federal Republic of Germany. These are mostly people who have spent most of their working life working in the Federal Republic of Germany or working for companies from the Federal Republic of Germany.
When we talk about the right to a pension in the Federal Republic of Germany, it is first necessary to look at social conditions, bearing in mind the fact that people from the former Yugoslavia (Southeast Europe) are one of the largest groups of immigrants to Germany. Today, they are people who come from several countries and do not form a single group, but the number is still very large. Hence, the number of requests for obtaining or using a German pension is very large.
For citizens coming from the Republic of Serbia, citizens of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, citizens of the Republic of Montenegro in relations, this issue is regulated by the interstate agreement concluded between SFR Yugoslavia and Germany in 1969. The Republic of Slovenia (EU accession in 2004) and the Republic of Croatia (EU accession in 2013) now apply European common law (European Union law) in relation to Germany (and vice versa). A special agreement different from the one signed by SFR Yugoslavia in 1969 with Germany is valid for the citizens of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.
The agreement includes:
- accident insurance (accident insurance Germany, accident insurance Serbia),
- health insurance (health insurance Germany, health insurance Serbia),
- pension insurance (pension insurance German lawyer, pension insurance Serbia lawyer).
All the time you spend or have spent at work in Germany, German legal regulations apply to you.
Conversely, if you have worked in any of the above countries, the legal regulations of those countries will apply to you. It is interesting that for citizens, regardless of their citizenship and place of residence, the rule is that if you paid at least one contribution of voluntary insurance before October 19, 1972, you can voluntarily insure yourself in Germany. If you live in Serbia, you can pay voluntary contributions to the German pension insurance (Deutche Rentenversicherung) without further conditions. With voluntary contributions, you can complete your German pension (Deutche Rente).
Refund of contributions (Beitragsrückerstattung).
The return of contributions paid to the pension fund in Germany leads to the loss of the status of the insured. The deadline for refunding the contribution paid on the basis of compulsory insurance is 24 calendar months from the day of leaving the German compulsory insurance. During this period, you must not become compulsorily insured again. If you have fulfilled the condition regarding the age for earning an old-age pension and less than 5 years of paid contributions in Germany, you can request a refund of contributions. Then you do not have to wait for the expiration of the period of 24 months, as was the case in the previous case. Family members can claim a refund of the deceased’s contribution if he has not paid the contributions for 5 years. German contributions cannot be refunded if you have previously received a pension in another country because such contributions have been added to the pension you are already receiving. The same goes for other benefits.
The agreement between Germany and other countries stipulates that the residence of the insured is equal. So, in case you fall under the agreement, you can also live on the territory of another country that has signed and ratified the agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany.
Rehabilitation or what could be popularly classified as “mit Rehabilitation wieder fit für den Job”.
In German pension insurance, the rule “rehabilitation before retirement” or simply put, in relation to retirement in the case of reduced ability to work, is given by measures of recovery or measures for retraining.
Lawyers from our law firm NM lawyers will in any case help you to exercise your rights either to a pension or to rehabilitation or retraining in the Federal Republic of Germany. The goal of our law office is to make it easier for people who meet the conditions (lawyer for obtaining a German pension) to exercise their right and make it easier to acquire the realized rights in the Federal Republic of Germany. In this case, when exercising the right to rehabilitation, it is very important to meet the conditions regarding the insurance period, taking into account the insurance periods in the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Montenegro, as well as in the Republic of Slovenia until 31 August 1999. To the Republic of Croatia until 30 November 1998 and in the Republic of Northern Macedonia until 31 December 2004. It is a special note that approvals for rehabilitation are made only if you live in Germany or if you have paid mandatory contributions in Germany in the month when you applied, and special attention should be paid to that.
Old-age pension in Germany is a special area of work of NM lawyers in terms of regulating and exercising the right to it in Germany. Altersrente in Germany. Lawyers who can help you exercise your right to an old-age pension in Germany. We also point out that in addition to the Federal Republic of Germany, NM lawyers work on regulating, exercising rights or obtaining an old-age pension in France, Great Britain, Italy, Austria and other countries (lawyer for exercising the right to a pension abroad).
The limit for the regular old-age pension in FR Germany for those born before 1947 is 65 years. The limit for those born in 1947 is increased by one month, while for those born in 1959 until 1963, in steps of 2 months. For persons born in 1964, the age limit for retirement is 67.
- Old-age pension for the disabled,
- Old-age pension for widows and widowers
The pension for widows and widowers can be paid as a small (25% of the insured’s pension) or as a large pension (55% of the insured’s pension).
German pensions. How to exercise the right? A special case of a family pension in Germany (Familienrente Deutchland).
Family pension for children in Germany. It is paid until the age of 18, and the longest until the age of 27 in the case of regular schooling.
Note that in case you are applying for a pension in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro (German pension Montenegro lawyer), Northern Macedonia, Slovenia or Croatia, be sure to register insurance periods in Germany.
We also deal with important issues of health insurance for pensioners and insurance for the care of pensioners in Germany, as well as in the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in other countries in Southeast Europe.
Our advice is to make an appointment in advance in the law office of NM lawyers Belgrade in advance, where you will find out if you meet the conditions for exercising your rights and then agree with our colleagues who work on these jobs on the manner and goal of work. You can find the method and numbers for scheduling a meeting in the contact section.
We add a list of insurance carriers:
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bayern Süd,
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund
- Deutsche Rentenversicherung Knappschaft-Bahn-See.
- German pensions abroad are paid through:
Deutsche Post AG, Niederlassung Rent service
Pay special attention to German pensions in Northern Macedonia. For payments of German pensions for Northern Macedonia, contact our associate lawyers in Skopje or Belgrade.
German insurance carriers:
German rent insurance
- Baden-Württemberg, 76135 Karlsruhe,
- Bavaria South, 84028 Landshut
- Berlin-Brandenburg, 15236 Frankfurt (Oder)
- Braunschweig-Hannover, 30880 Laatzen
- Hesse, 60596 Frankfurt am Main
- Central Germany, 04159 Leipzig
- Nord, 23556 Lübeck
- Nordbayern, 95444 Bayreuth
- Oldenburg-Bremen, 26135 Oldenburg
- Rhineland, 40215 Düsseldorf
- Rhineland-Palatinate, 67346 Speyer
- Saarland, 66111 Saarbrücken
- Schwaben, 86154 Augsburg
- Westphalia, 48147 Münster
- Bund, 10709 Berlin
- Knappschaft-Bahn-See, 44789 Bochum
When you are looking for the work of a lawyer from Serbia and a lawyer from Germany, who will take over the management of a legal case and / or a court case for you, you are actually looking for the law office of NM lawyers. Many years of very extensive and very significant cooperation that NM lawyers from Belgrade have with individuals living and working in Germany and companies, has led to the fact that NM lawyers have become part of their work in legal representation for Germany and lawyers who provide legal services. for people living and working in Germany.
Cooperation is carried out in accordance with the law and to the mutual satisfaction.
Due to the regional connection of NM lawyers and when you need legal assistance of lawyers in: Zagreb, Split, Osijek, Ljubljana, Sarajevo or a lawyer in Skopje, a lawyer in Nis or a lawyer in Podgorica, you can find us and contact us to perform legal work.
During August 2021, we initiated court proceedings to protect the rights of emigrants in the field of family law, advocacy regarding the procedure of acknowledging paternity, advocacy regarding the existence of a monetary obligation to pay alimony, the obligation to provide alimony, and the obligation to access the hearing to determine the amount. alimony. We have initiated enforcement proceedings to settle claims for persons living in the Federal Republic of Germany.
We have taken over the representation of emigrants for access to court hearings at a time when they are unable to attend the hearing for legally justified personal or professional reasons, and are located in the Federal Republic of Germany.
As part of performing the activity of representing legal entities in NM, lawyers obtain licenses for their clients to perform regular traffic abroad. Permits for carriers to perform regular traffic are issued by the competent authorities in this particular case by the Swedish Transport Agency. The importance of obtaining such permits is primarily known to road carriers that perform that traffic, namely bus carriers and truck carriers.
There is a part of carriers that have been previously banned from performing transportation, which need to enter the process of lifting the ban or re-obtaining a new traffic license.
A law firm operating in Sweden provides representation of persons living and working in Sweden, then representation of companies in Sweden, representation of Swedish companies, lawsuits in Sweden and lawsuits in Croatia and Serbia.
The importance of issuing licenses is especially important for airlines so that air transport can be performed regularly with the Kingdom of Sweden. Representation of airlines and legal representation of airlines is a particularly complex process when it comes to regulations related to this area. Flight permits, flight conditions, aircraft registration, licensing and staff training are very complex and demanding procedures.
NM lawyers, together with their colleagues in Sweden, obtain these permits and contribute to easier, safer and faster transportation of persons and goods between the Kingdom of Sweden and other parts of the world.
If there are your requests for a lawyer in Sweden, Croatia, Serbia, you can contact us to protect or exercise your rights. We especially emphasize the large number of people from Southeast Europe who live and work in the Kingdom of Sweden, who can hire us to conduct probate proceedings in Zagreb, probate proceedings in Croatia, probate proceedings in Serbia or the Kingdom of Sweden, to conduct the procedure of recognition of the right to realization of a pension in the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Serbia or a pension in Sweden, the procedure of collection of receivables in Sweden or collection of receivables in Croatia or in the Republic of Serbia.
As the leading law office of the NM, lawyers represent a large number of foreign nationals related to the legal regulation of temporary residence permits for foreigners in the Republic of Serbia, which is regulated by the Law on Foreigners (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 24/2018 and 31/2019), and regulated in more detail by the provisions of the Rulebook on closer conditions for granting temporary residence, the appearance of the request for granting temporary residence, the appearance and manner of entering the sticker of temporary residence in a foreign travel document (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 72/2018).
The request for temporary residence permit is submitted to the Police Administration for the City of Belgrade, the Administration for Foreigners and regional police administrations, depending on the address of residence or residence of the foreign citizen, organizational units responsible for residence and movement of foreign citizens in the Republic of Serbia. Exceptional cooperation with the competent police administrations on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as other countries in Southeast Europe, enables NM lawyers to make the necessary reports in accordance with the law.
The request for approval or extension of temporary residence is submitted in person and the complete documentation, ie all prescribed evidence, is attached to the request. At the request of an authorized official, the request may be supplemented by additional evidence.
The request for extension of temporary residence is submitted no earlier than three months and no later than 30 days before the expiration of the approved temporary residence.
NM lawyers note that the period of validity of the travel document must be at least three months longer than the period for which temporary residence is granted.
It is very important to point out that a large number of foreign citizens represented by the law office NM lawyers, as the most sought-after law firm, were instructed that as foreign citizens they are obliged to reside in the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the purpose for which temporary residence was granted.
The Rulebook on Detailed Conditions for Temporary Residence Permit, Appearance of Temporary Residence Permit Application, Appearance and Manner of Entering a Temporary Residence Permit in a Foreign Travel Document (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 72/2018) regulates the grounds on which an authorization may be requested or extension of temporary stay, which are:
Employment, Education, Family reunification, Independent temporary residence, Performing religious service, Treatment, Real estate ownership.
Each of the above bases implies submission of special documentation prescribed by the Rulebook on detailed conditions for temporary residence permit, appearance of the request for temporary residence permit, appearance and manner of entering the temporary residence sticker in a foreign travel document (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 72/2018). .
Here we will look at the basic documentation that needs to be prepared in each of the cases of approval or extension of temporary residence:
Valid personal or official passport, Proof of means of subsistence during the planned stay, Registration of address of residence or residence in the Republic of Serbia, Proof of health insurance during the planned stay, Proof of payment of the prescribed administrative fee,
Two photos (35x45mm, color, full face) and
Completed form.
Depending on the grounds on which the temporary residence permit is requested or extended, the necessary documentation for each of the grounds in the Ordinance on detailed conditions for temporary residence approval, the appearance of the application for temporary residence permit, the appearance and manner of inserting the temporary residence sticker in a foreign travel document (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 72/2018).
After submitting the documentation, within 3-4 weeks, it is necessary for the applicant with the original passport to come to the Police Administration, the Directorate for Foreigners, in order for the stamp of his temporary residence to be imprinted in his passport.
We note that the approval and extension of temporary residence of NM lawyers also work for employees in companies, employees in companies that perform activities in the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Montenegro, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia.
There is a wide range of legal representation in the granting of temporary residence or extension of temporary residence, from the representation of low-skilled workers who mainly work in the construction industry or similar, and who apply for approval or extension of residence in the Republic of Serbia or other countries. citizens who work in companies, enterprises, companies or through management, executives and management who are foreign citizens, and they need to register or extend their temporary stay.
Today’s closing of the 32nd Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, with all the joy they brought us, reminded us of the original values that the Olympic Games carry, and which can be shared outside the borders of the Olympic disciplines. Thus, thanks to our work in NM lawyers, we are often in a situation to meet and work with people who come from different countries, who prepare in different ways and “win” and “break” some of their records in the economy, business or activity. .
The Olympic Games also reminded us of the importance of respecting cultures, traditions, customs of people and the importance of gathering.
They reminded us that we can always go one step further and that good preparation usually means a good result.
We want to congratulate the Olympians who won medals, to highlight those with the most medals, but also to remind that the countries of the region won medals, so Serbia won a total of 9 (nine) medals, Croatia 8 (eight), Bulgaria 6 (six) , Slovenia 5 (five), Greece 4 (four), etc.
NM law office are looking forward to the new Olympic Games that are scheduled in Paris in 2024.
For several years, NM lawyers have been collecting claims for their clients on the basis of harmful events arising on the road, in traffic, and collection of damages on the basis of car liability, collection of damages on the basis of insurance rights, collection of damages from other participants in the harmful event. .
A traffic accident that happened on the road or started on the road, and from which the damage resulted, is also a legal situation which is regulated by law and where, in case of fulfillment of the conditions, the damage is determined and paid. This very important and serious area of law requires equally important and careful handling in such situations, especially in terms of calmness and legality of action, and taking all necessary actions to minimize the consequences of a harmful event for the participants in that event.
Upon notification of the police and / or ambulance, it is important to cooperate with the state authorities in the legal procedure thus initiated, in which information and evidence are collected. In this sense, we distinguish between a situation of minor material damage where students have agreed on liability in which case the European Accident Report is signed which is used throughout Europe and a situation where greater damage occurred when it is mandatory to call the competent police authorities. to approach on the spot.
The Law on Road Traffic Safety regulates this area in great detail and is one of the laws that should be strictly adhered to in this case. Also in the neighboring and countries of the region, similar laws regulating the mentioned area are valid and applied, such as the Law on Road Traffic Safety, the Law on Road Traffic Safety.
Participants in the damage and the place of occurrence of the harmful event.
A large number of clients contact us with claims for damages incurred by traffic participants. Whether it is about international or domestic participants in the harmful event or whether the damage is caused on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Austria, the Hellenic Republic of Greece, the Republic of Northern Macedonia or other countries.
Liability of the owner of the vehicle, liability of the user of the vehicle exists when the use of a motor vehicle causes damage to third parties due to material or non-material consequences.
In the event that you have suffered damage while driving a motor vehicle, call a lawyer to begin or continue the legal procedure for the collection of your property claim arising from the damage caused to you. Clients also have at their disposal various possibilities of using insurance: compulsory car insurance, comprehensive insurance, travel insurance, luggage insurance, and absence insurance (house, apartment insurance), private liability insurance.
In that sense, NM lawyers, as the most important office for work with natural persons, are at your disposal in terms of collecting damages arising from traffic accidents or damages arising from other grounds.
Keywords: damage on the road, right of insurance, insurance lawyer, lawyer for collection of damage in a certain amount, lawyer collection from insurance, automotive association, roadside assistance, insurance, state border, embassy, consulate, collection of damage in Serbia, collection of damage in Croatia.
Copyright, rights related to copyright, industrial property law represent a special branch of law and a special part within the legal affairs of intellectual property protection, part of what we today modernly call the intellectual property protection industry.
Historically, even before the Bern Convention on the Protection of Works of Art and Literature, which was ratified by the former SFRY in 1975, through later conventions to the present day when platforms for publishing copyright works are more accessible and numerous, there is a need for increased legal protection abroad. , both in the countries of Southeast Europe and in the whole of Europe and the World.
What is often asked as a preliminary question in relation to the protection of a work from the point of view of copyright is also the question of publishing or publishing a copyright work (if the same has not already been published), such as. a literary work, a musical work (songs, musical compositions), an audiovisual work (eg a film) or any other authorial or related work. In that sense, NM lawyers have direct cooperation with bodies that protect works both domestic and international, as well as with publishers of copyrighted works in the territory of Great Britain, the city of London or the USA (United States), the cities of New York and Los Angeles. from the needs of a specific case, they can publish or protect the work on a global or local level.
The rights to perform, the rights to broadcast, the rights of phonogram producers, video shows, the rights of creators of musical works, the rights of performers, the rights of singers, the rights of musicians, the rights of actors are further and important parts of legal protection of these legal areas.
Works of architecture, photographic works, written works, such as computer programs or works created from speech also enjoy protection.
Currently, through the law office of NM, lawyers are in the process of publishing a written literary work in English in the city of London, Great Britain, which, according to the authors, can lead to further great worldwide success when it comes to works in the field of literature.
At the time of publishing this news, a procedure is underway to protect one of the most listened to pop songs in Southeast Europe, which is listened to in several countries in the region, where it achieves record listenership and viewing of the video (music video) that accompanies it.
NM lawyers have created some of the most important agreements in the field of cooperation in the music industry in the Republic of Serbia and in the Republic of Croatia.
Having in mind certain similarities of cultures of the people of Southeast Europe, it is a fact that authors often find their inspiration for creating works in historical sources and then in this region the question arises who is the real author of a certain work and who has the right to such work by law. exploits. We take into account a large number of well-known performers and famous creators of works, both in the territories of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia, as well as in the territories of countries whose language and culture are quite different from the above. The subjects of our work are also in the Hellenic Republic of Greece, with which there is a significant, we would say a surprisingly large number of cases where there is a need for regulation and protection of copyright. In that sense, we are often hired by contractors from the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also by foreign contractors, e.g. from the Hellenic Republic of Greece (abbreviated lawyer for Greek performers, lawyer Greece) or the Republic of Albania (abbreviated lawyer Albania), etc.
As great cultural and economic interest is expressed in all the above-mentioned areas, it is clear why this topic is one of, we would say, always current, to which legal protection is to be applied.
Industrial property protection: patent protection, industrial design protection, trademark protection, protection of geographical indications, etc. includes preparation of intellectual property studies by experts and qualified persons, preparation of reports related to intellectual property, verification of conditions for registration of all intellectual property rights, collection and submission of all necessary documents to the competent domestic and foreign authorities.
With all the above in connection with, as well as in connection with the drafting of legal acts, drafting of rules and privacy policy, drafting of terms of use of websites, general acts, drafting of all types of contracts, internet law, media law, IT law, NDA contracts, internet law domain, compliance with the law on personal data protection, ie compliance with the GDPR team of NM lawyers is at your disposal.
Keywords: IT, internet law, personal data protection lawyer, copyright, Greek singer lawyer, singer lawyer, Greek music, Turkish music, lawyer videos, lawyer listened to songs, fee collection, music song collection, singer engagement, online business lawyer, etc.
During August 2021, NM lawyers in the Republic of France initiated proceedings for obtaining French court judgments from clients, and from the higher court in Paris and from the registry office in city of Le Havre. Also, just before this time period, we worked with the registry office in the city of Nice in the south of France.
There is a great legal connection between the law of the French Republic and the law of the countries of Southeast Europe. There is a great economic, demographic, cultural, sports and, in general, traditional connection between the territory of the Republic of France and the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia and other countries in the said area.
Based on such a legal need, NM lawyers obtain a significant number of court decisions of the French Republic, private documents such as a will made in the French Republic, private legal documents concerning the collection of claims in the French Republic and other registry documents in the French Republic. individuals.
The most important thing to note regarding the territory of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia is that the Zagreb Law Office and the Ljubljana Law Office obtain documents from the French Republic for clients in the territories of the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Slovenia in the easiest and fastest way possible.
The documents obtained in this way are mostly used to regulate certain property rights, property rights or other personal or general rights in the procedures provided by law in the territories of the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and others.
The Court in Paris, as well as the competent registry office in city of Le Havre and Nice, recognized the importance of the existence of legal cooperation in connection with the aforementioned legal affairs, and we can also point out as the best positive example of cooperation between lawyers.
In case of the need to hire a lawyer in the Republic of France, contact the NM lawyers who will be happy to help you exercise your rights in the territory of the Republic of France. We especially emphasize that in our work so far, we are proud of the business related to the purchase of real estate in France, the business related to banks in France, the business of obtaining family pensions in the Republic of France. operations related to the transport of goods to the Republic of France, import operations from the Republic of France, collection of monetary claims, collection of insurance France, etc.
Keywords: lawyer France, pension France, purchase of an apartment France, documentation France, insurance France, probate proceedings France. Republic of France. Lawyer Zagreb for France, law office Ljubljana for France. Lawyer Serbia-France. Lawyer Belgrade Paris. lawyer Zagreb Paris, lawyer Ljubljana Paris.