Happy and successful 2024.
We wish you much success both personally and professionally in 2024.
All the best! NM Grand Regional.
In step with the times.
We are witnessing the growing need for obtaining a D visa, regulating the temporary residence of foreigners, and obtaining a work permit.
The data show that this need is very pronounced and that it is necessary to always start work on time and in accordance with the law in connection with the legally valid regulation of the aforementioned legal affairs.
The legal reasons are clear, the existence of legal certainty and legal predictability make the procedure and legal life easier, simpler and safer, which are some of the basic needs of all participants in legal transactions and legal life.
For questions about obtaining a D visa NM lawyers, regulation of temporary residence NM lawyers, obtaining a work permit NM lawyers, call one of our services from the CONTACT section.
Keywords used:
Regulation of temporary residence of foreigners NM lawyers
Getting a D Visa NM Lawyers
Work permits NM lawyers
Europe – Central Europe – Republic of Austria.
Areas of work – banking and finance.
Amendments to the Austrian Consumer Credit Act (VKrG) as well as changes in the form of amendments to the Austrian Consumer Mortgage Act (HIKrG), which arose as a result of the decision of the European Court of Justice, which made a decision that consumers should be compensated with a loan (loan) in case if such a loan is repaid before the due date.
Such changes to the aforementioned laws certainly have an impact on all future developments regarding the banking business in this part, as well as in terms of the conditions for the users to whom these provisions refer.
For more information, you can find detailed information in our law office.
Europa – Mitteleuropa – Republik Österreich.
Arbeitsgebiete – Banken und Finanzen.
Novellen des österreichischen Konsumentenkreditgesetzes (VKrG) sowie Änderungen in Form von Novellen des österreichischen Konsumentenhypothekengesetzes (HIKrG), die sich aus der Entscheidung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs ergeben haben, der eine Entscheidung getroffen hat, dass Verbraucher sollte mit einem Darlehen (Darlehen) ausgeglichen werden, falls ein solches Darlehen vor Fälligkeit zurückgezahlt wird.
Solche Änderungen der vorgenannten Gesetze haben sicherlich Auswirkungen auf alle zukünftigen Entwicklungen bezüglich des Bankgeschäfts in diesem Teil, sowie in Bezug auf die Bedingungen für Benutzer, auf die sich diese Bestimmungen beziehen.
Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in unserer Kanzlei.
If you come from the Republic of Slovenia, then look for NM law office Belgrade, NM law office Serbia, as a law firm that we could say (not formally, of course) that based on the volume of business it performs within the legal activities in the Republic of Serbia is in some way is a great help in performing Serbian-Slovenian legal affairs in Belgrade and in the Republic of Serbia, too.
NM law office are lawyers from Serbia who helps Slovenian citizens and Slovenian legal entities to exercise their rights in the Republic of Serbia in accordance with the positive law of the Republic of Serbia, too.
Slovenska različica.
Odvetnik Beograd, odvetniška pisarna Beograd NM advokati Beograd, pomagajo slovenskim državljanom pri uveljavljanju pravic v Republiki Srbiji.
Če prihajate iz Republike Slovenije, potem poiščite NM odvetnike, saj bi lahko rekli (ne formalno, seveda) da je glede na obseg poslov, ki jih opravlja v okviru pravne dejavnosti v Republiki Srbiji, v na nek način v veliko pomoč pri opravljanju srbsko-slovenskih pravnih poslov v Beogradu in v Republiki Srbiji, vse z vidika števila zadev, ki jih vodijo odvetniki NM, in se nanašajo na osebe, ki prihajajo iz Republike Slovenije.
Odvetnik Beograd.
Odvetniška pisarna v Beogradu.
Odvetnik Srbija. Srbska odvetniška pisarna.
Odvetnik Srbije, ki pomaga slovenskim državljanom in slovenskim pravnim osebam pri uveljavljanju njihovih pravic v Republiki Srbiji v skladu s pozitivnim pravom Republike Srbije.
A lawyer for initiating and conducting court proceedings, whether it is a lawsuit (lawsuit lawyer Balkan) or other request before the court, should always / should / before filing a lawsuit and a lawsuit with the competent court, make a consultative meeting with clients to jointly determine the factual situation and the scope of evidence available to the party in the proceedings. NM law office adhere to this good practice and in that sense filing lawsuits or other claims in court for NM lawyers is a long-standing good practice.
If you need to file a lawsuit in Serbia with the competent court and protect or exercise your rights in court, contact NM lawyers who will represent you professionally and with quality before the courts, emphasizing our rich and long-standing practice in litigation or other proceedings. before the courts (litigation lawyer Serbia, lawsuit lawyer Serbia, inheritance lawyer, litigation lawyer, divorce lawyer Serbia, paternity lawsuit lawyer Serbia, land lawyer – real estate disputes Serbia, apartment dispute lawyer, inheritance dispute lawyer, divorce lawsuit, lawyer lawsuit lawsuit, lawyer lawsuit salary, lawyer lawsuit property – lawsuit to determine property rights and more).
In their many years of professional experience, NM law office represent clients in good practice both in the procedure of filing a lawsuit and submitting it to the same court and in the procedure before the court in Serbia itself, which concerns attending the hearing and representing the client’s legal interests.
In case you hire the law office of NM lawyers, you will receive a summons for a trial in most cases during the procedure through our office, so there is relief for the client during the court procedure, which will always be informed about the time and time. the place of the trial.
The time and place of the trial are determined by law, court rules and the decision of the court before which the proceedings are conducted.
Simply put, in order to bring you closer to the largest number of stages of court proceedings, submissions that NM lawyers on behalf of clients (lawyer submissions) prepare and submit to the court are an important legal instrument of proof and are used during court proceedings to prove rights to the client has a legal interest.
Lawyer expertise. Expertise is an evidentiary action provided by law when the court hires an expert from the list of permanent court experts registered with the ministry or other competent institution to give its findings and opinion related to the presentation of evidence regarding a specific task set by the court. NM lawyers have a rich experience of going to expert examinations.
Litigation itself ends with a court ruling, while court proceedings can end with a decision other than the verdict, such as a court decision.
NM lawyers are at your disposal to exercise your rights in court proceedings, so we invite you to contact us via official phone numbers and in other ways to agree on representation in court proceedings.
Deutsche Ausgabe.
Ein Rechtsanwalt zur Einleitung und Durchführung eines Gerichtsverfahrens, sei es ein Gerichtsverfahren (Lawsuit Advocate) oder ein sonstiger Antrag vor Gericht, sollte/sollte/bevor eine Klage und eine Klage beim zuständigen Gericht eingereicht werden, ein Beratungsgespräch mit Mandanten gemeinsam führen den Sachverhalt und den Umfang der dem Verfahrensbeteiligten zur Verfügung stehenden Beweismittel ermitteln. NM-Anwälte halten sich an diese gute Praxis und in diesem Sinne ist das Einreichen von Klagen oder anderen Ansprüchen vor Gericht für NM-Anwälte eine seit langem bewährte Praxis.
Wenn Sie eine Klage beim zuständigen Gericht einreichen und Ihre Rechte vor Gericht schützen oder ausüben müssen, wenden Sie sich an NM-Anwälte, die Sie professionell und mit Qualität vor Gericht vertreten und dabei unsere reichhaltige und langjährige Praxis in Rechtsstreitigkeiten oder anderen Verfahren hervorheben die Gerichte (Prozessanwalt, Prozessanwalt, Erbanwalt, Prozessanwalt, Scheidungsanwalt, Vaterschaftsanwalt, Grundstücksanwalt – Immobilienstreitigkeiten, Wohnungsstreitanwalt, Erbstreitanwalt, Scheidungsklage, Anwaltsklage, Anwaltsklage Gehalt, Anwaltsklage Eigentum – Klage zur Feststellung von Eigentumsrechten und mehr).
In ihrer langjährigen Berufserfahrung vertreten NM-Anwälte Mandanten in bewährter Praxis sowohl im Verfahren der Klageerhebung und Klageerhebung vor demselben Gericht als auch im Verfahren vor Gericht selbst, das die Teilnahme an der mündlichen Verhandlung und die Vertretung der rechtlichen Interessen des Mandanten betrifft .
Falls Sie die Kanzlei NM Rechtsanwälte beauftragen, erhalten Sie in den meisten Fällen noch während des Verfahrens durch unsere Kanzlei eine Vorladung zur Hauptverhandlung, sodass der Mandant während des Gerichtsverfahrens entlastet wird, der immer über den Zeitpunkt und die Frist informiert wird Ort der Verhandlung.
Zeit und Ort der Hauptverhandlung werden durch das Gesetz, die Gerichtsordnung und die Entscheidung des Gerichts bestimmt, vor dem das Verfahren geführt wird.
Einfach ausgedrückt, um Ihnen möglichst viele Phasen eines Gerichtsverfahrens näher zu bringen, sind Schriftsätze, die NM Rechtsanwälte im Auftrag von Mandanten erstellen und dem Gericht vorlegen, ein wichtiges rechtliches Beweismittel und werden während des Gerichtsverfahrens verwendet Rechte nachzuweisen, hat der Auftraggeber ein rechtliches Interesse.
Juristische Expertise. Sachverständigengutachten ist eine gesetzlich vorgesehene Beweismaßnahme, wenn das Gericht einen Sachverständigen aus der Liste der ständigen Gerichtssachverständigen, die beim Ministerium oder einer anderen zuständigen Institution registriert sind, anstellt, um seine Feststellungen und Stellungnahmen im Zusammenhang mit der Vorlage von Beweismitteln zu einer bestimmten vom Gericht festgelegten Aufgabe abzugeben. Die Anwälte von NM haben eine reiche Erfahrung mit der Teilnahme an Sachverständigenprüfungen.
Der Rechtsstreit selbst endet mit einem Gerichtsurteil, während Gerichtsverfahren mit einer anderen Entscheidung als dem Urteil enden können, beispielsweise mit einem Gerichtsurteil.
Die Anwälte von NM stehen Ihnen zur Ausübung Ihrer Rechte in Gerichtsverfahren zur Verfügung, daher laden wir Sie ein, uns über offizielle Telefonnummern und auf andere Weise zu kontaktieren, um eine Vertretung in Gerichtsverfahren zu vereinbaren.
Türkçe versiyon:
Sırbistan’da dava açmak ve yürütmek için bir avukat, ister Sırbistan’da bir dava isterse mahkeme huzurundaki başka bir talep olsun, dava ve davadan önce her zaman / yapmalı / yetkili mahkemeye başvurmalı, müvekkilleriyle ortaklaşa karar vermek için müvekkillerle istişare toplantısı yapmalıdır. gerçekler, yargılamada taraf için mevcut olan kanıtların durumu ve kapsamı. NM avukatları Sırbistan bu iyi uygulamaya bağlı kalmaktadır ve bu anlamda NM avukatları için mahkemeye dava veya diğer taleplerde bulunmak uzun süredir devam eden iyi bir uygulamadır.
Sırbistan’da yetkili mahkemeye dava açmanız ve mahkemede haklarınızı korumanız veya kullanmanız gerekiyorsa, sizi mahkemeler önünde profesyonel ve kaliteli bir şekilde temsil edecek NM avukatları ile iletişime geçin, dava veya diğer alanlarda zengin ve uzun süredir devam eden uygulamamızı vurgulayın. mahkemelerdeki işlemler (avukat davası Sırbistan, avukat davası, Sırbistan avukatı davası, Sırbistan Cumhuriyeti avukatı, Sırbistan’da avukat davası, Sırbistan’da avukat boşanması, Sırbistan’da babalık kurmak için avukat davası, Sırbistan’da avukat gayrimenkul anlaşmazlıkları, Sırbistan’da avukat veraset anlaşmazlığı, Sırbistan boşanma avukatı davası ,, avukat dava maaşı, avukat dava mülkiyeti – mülkiyet haklarını belirlemek için dava, avukat Sırbistan mallarının ödenmesi ve daha fazlası).
NM avukatları, uzun yıllara dayanan mesleki deneyimlerinde, müvekkillerini hem dava açma ve aynı mahkemeye sunma prosedüründe hem de duruşmaya katılmak ve müvekkilin yasal menfaatlerini temsil etmekle ilgili olarak mahkeme huzurundaki prosedürde iyi uygulamalarda temsil eder.
Basitçe söylemek gerekirse, sizi mahkeme işlemlerinin en fazla aşamasına yaklaştırmak için, müvekkiller adına NM avukatları tarafından yapılan sunumlar, mahkemeye önemli bir yasal kanıt aracı olarak sunulur ve mahkeme işlemleri sırasında müvekkilin kanıtlamak için kullanılır. haklar..
Avukat uzmanlığı. Bilirkişilik, mahkemenin, mahkeme tarafından belirlenen belirli bir göreve ilişkin delillerin sunulmasına ilişkin bulgularını ve görüşünü vermesi için bakanlık veya diğer yetkili kurum nezdinde kayıtlı daimi mahkeme bilirkişileri listesinden bir bilirkişi tutması durumunda, kanunla sağlanan bir kanıtlama işlemidir. NM avukatları, uzman sınavlarına gitme konusunda zengin bir deneyime sahiptir.
Davanın kendisi bir mahkeme kararı ile sona ererken, mahkeme işlemleri mahkeme kararı gibi karar dışında bir kararla sona erebilir.
NM avukatları Sırbistan, mahkeme işlemlerinde haklarınızı kullanmak için hizmetinizdedir, bu nedenle sizi resmi telefon numaraları aracılığıyla ve mahkeme işlemlerinde temsil konusunda anlaşmaya varmak için başka yollarla bizimle iletişime geçmeye davet ediyoruz.
NM law office perform legal tasks related to probate proceedings in Germany. Family ties are often represented in cross-border legal transactions, and hence the rights that arise within the law on inheritance.
Family members who by law can inherit what we call the testator’s estate must exercise their rights before sufis and other bodies to which the authority to conduct probate proceedings has been delegated.
A lawyer for probate proceedings, and in a very large number of cases these are NM law office, is hired by the heirs to initiate, lead and end the probate proceedings in accordance with the law.
The very beginning, preparations, and before the initiation of the probate procedure is related to obtaining the necessary documentation proving the right to inherit. The documentation required to initiate probate proceedings (documentation required for inheritance) or the documentation required to conduct probate proceedings primarily consists of:
– excerpt from the registry books proving the degree of kinship,
-excerpts from land registry or cadastral operations in order to prove the right of ownership over real estate
-evidence, vapors, certificates that serve as evidence when it comes to proving the ownership of movables or other rights.
In the case of testamentary succession:
A special case is the existence of a concluded contract on lifelong support, when it is necessary to have the original of the same contract which is to serve as evidence in probate proceedings. The difference with the existence of a lifetime maintenance contract is that the property contained in the lifetime maintenance contract is excluded from the estate and a decision is made to do so, and thus the lifetime maintenance contract itself becomes the basis for registration or transfer of rights over things.
Lawyer for inheritance Serbia. Inheritance lawyer Belgrade.
NM law office conduct probation proceedings (probate lawyer in Serbia), as well as abroad.
NM law office handle numerous cases of inheritance abroad in accordance with the law. Inheritance in Germany, inheritance in Italy, inheritance in Slovenia, inheritance in Spain, inheritance in Croatia, inheritance in France, inheritance in Slovenia, as well as inheritance in other countries.
When it comes to inheritance in Germany, it is necessary to distinguish between cases when the testator had a guardian of the inheritance due to the most common age and inability to take care of himself. Such a guardian of the legacy in Germany is appointed by the competent state body and on the basis of such a decision he takes care of the rights and needs that the testator had for life. It should be taken into account that in case the name and surname are known, as well as the address of the seat of the appointed guardian of the legacy, it should be contacted as soon as possible after the death of the testator. Otherwise, any delay can lead to possible abuses when it comes to the estate, especially in the case when the heirs do not live on the territory in this case of Germany.
If you do not know the name and surname of the guardian of the estate and / or the address of the registered office, it is necessary to obtain the above information from the competent state authority in Germany.
It is recommended to establish contact with the appointed guardian during the lifetime of the person who has a appointed guardian in Germany or in other countries. This is primarily for the purpose of informing about the manner of eventual spending of the funds of the person to whom the guardian was appointed. There are cases when it is necessary to act preventively and when there are possible abuses in terms of unintended spending of funds or showing costs that are not needed.
Pay special attention to this.
Having in mind the experience of the law office of NM lawyers, we will state that a lawyer for representation abroad or a lawyer who initiates and conducts probate proceedings advises to take action without delay.
Making a probate decision in Germany before the „Amtsgericht” or before other courts is a special procedure.
We emphasize the transfer of funds again as a special procedure for itself and it is often very complicated and passes a very large number of checks, both in the case of an elderly person and in the case of not.
The sale and realization of the value of real estate abroad acquired by inheritance or gift is tied depending on the country with different tax rates, which can be significantly higher, as we recently had in the French Republic.
For everything you need regarding inheritance law, contact NM law office.
NM law office deals with the procedures of collection of receivables for all natural and legal persons from natural and legal persons with residence / domicile / seat in the Republic of Turkey.
In most cases, we start the process of collecting receivables by sending a warning before the lawsuit to a natural or legal person in the Republic of Turkey, and the warning before the lawsuit is made as a bilingual (Serbian-Turkish) document and accompanied by all relevant evidence available. of 8 days from the day of receipt of the reprimand before suing the debtor in the Republic of Turkey to act on the order from the reprimand.
In the event that the debtor from the Republic of Turkey does not act on the order from the warning before the lawsuit within the appropriate time, the next step would be a lawsuit before the competent court in the Republic of Turkey.
Turkish procedural law is very similar to Serbian procedural law in terms of the fact that this law also recognizes enforcement proceedings and civil court proceedings in order to exercise the rights and interests of natural or legal persons, specifically collection of due and unpaid claims.
In this regard, the law office of NM law office has established cooperation with the correspondent law office in Istanbul, Turkey, in order to represent individuals and / or legal entities with an interest in collecting their claims from individuals and / or legal entities with registered residence / domiciled in the Republic of Turkey.
Our correspondent law office performs the tasks of compiling a lawsuit / proposal for execution and representation before the competent court in the Republic of Turkey according to the place of residence / residence / seat / debtor as a defendant.
In order to initiate court proceedings, whether it is an enforcement or litigation procedure, it is first of all necessary for the interested client to authorize our associate lawyers in the Republic of Turkey, which is as follows: power of attorney in Serbian Serbia, then the apostille stamp is put on the same, and then such a power of attorney is translated into Turkish with a certified stamp of a court interpreter for the Turkish language. Such power of attorney is further verified at the Consulate / Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Belgrade and sent in the original to our correspondent law office in Istanbul.
This kind of cooperation was based primarily on the fact of a large volume of business between Turkey and the countries of Southeast Europe and on the regular communication of NM law office with lawyers from the Republic of Turkey on a daily, monthly and annual basis.
Reports on the case and representation, and the outcome of the procedure, then on administrative matters related to the management of the case are one of the bases of orderly and timely informing the client in Europe or in the countries of the region. The legal and business need for legal representation in the Republic of Turkey is growing and constant (law office Turkey, law office Istanbul, law office Edrine, law office Bursa, law office Izmir, law office Ankara).
The price of legal services for representation before the competent authorities of the Republic of Turkey is determined together with the client and the client is informed of the calculation of all legal and court costs before deciding to initiate court proceedings in Turkey to collect his claim.
For NM law office, text related to affairs in the Republic of Turkey, April 2022.
Türkçe dil versiyonu.
Avukat Sırbistan ve Türkiye.
Alacakların tahsili Sırbistan. Alacakların tahsili Türkiye.
Avukat dava Sırbistan. Avukat davası Türkiye. Avukat Belgrad. Avukat Novi Sad.
NM Avukatlar Hukuk Bürosu, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde ikamet / ikamet / ikametgahı olan gerçek ve tüzel kişilerden tüm gerçek ve tüzel kişiler için alacaklarının tahsili işlemleri ile ilgilenir.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ndeki bir gerçek veya tüzel kişiye dava öncesi ihtarname göndererek alacak tahsili sürecini başlatıyoruz ve dava öncesi ihtar iki dilli (Sırpça-Türkçe) bir belge olarak ve ilgili tüm delillerle birlikte yapılıyor. müvekkilimize, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde borçluya dava açmadan önce kınamanın alındığı günden itibaren 8 günlük makul bir süre bırakarak kınama emri üzerine hareket etmesi.
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti borçlusunun dava öncesi ihtarnameye göre uygun zamanda hareket etmemesi halinde, bir sonraki adım Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ndeki yetkili mahkemede dava açılacaktır.
Türk usul hukuku, özellikle vadesi gelmiş ve ödenmemiş alacakların tahsili olmak üzere, gerçek veya tüzel kişilerin hak ve menfaatlerini kullanmak için icra işlemlerini ve hukuk mahkemesi işlemlerini de tanıması bakımından Sırp usul hukukuna çok benzemektedir.
Bu bağlamda, NM Advokati hukuk bürosu, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti İstanbul’daki muhabir hukuk bürosu ile, gerçek ve/veya tüzel kişilerden alacaklarının tahsilinde menfaati bulunan gerçek ve/veya tüzel kişileri temsil etmek amacıyla işbirliği yapmıştır. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nde kayıtlı ikametgah / ikametgah.
Representation in legal cases in the Kingdom of Spain is very diverse and covers a number of legal areas. The very large number of legal transactions concluded in the Kingdom of Spain leads to a great need for legal representation in the territory or in connection with the law of the Kingdom of Spain or with the work of legal entities or natural persons in the Kingdom of Spain.
A large number of business agreements reached in various fields of economy and law in the Kingdom of Spain or involving legal entities from the Kingdom of Spain.
Lawyer Spain provides a very large number of legal services in a wide range of legal areas and provides representation before the competent authorities, as well as representation related to the contracting and conditions of legal affairs related to the Kingdom of Spain.
Numerous business and legal ties of legal entities with legal entities in the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the Republic of Montenegro, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Romania, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Turkey and other countries a significant amount of legal work that is performed on a daily basis and is very important for legal relations, all in accordance with the laws applicable to these legal relations.
Lawyer food industry. Lawyer Hunting and Fishing. Export lawyer. Import lawyer. Lawyer industry. IT lawyer. Lawyer software firm representation. Sports Law Attorney. Football lawyer. A football player’s lawyer.
Food industry Spain (lawyer for the food industry), construction industry Spain (lawyer construction – industry), lawyer Spain travel, lawyer Spain, or legal issues related to criminal law, such as lawyer detention Bilbao, lawyer detention Barcelona, lawyer detention Valencia, a lawyer detained in Madrid, are parts of legal affairs where clients need professional legal support.
Lawyer Madrid with extensive experience in representing clients Seville), lawyer San Sebastian represents legal and natural persons related to business in the Kingdom of Spain.
In case you need to resolve various types of legal issues related to the Kingdom of Spain, you can contact us through all contact information and forms left on the web site.
NM abogados España.
Versión en español.
La representación en asuntos judiciales en el Reino de España es muy diversa y abarca una serie de áreas jurídicas. El gran número de negocios jurídicos celebrados en el Reino de España conduce a una gran necesidad de representación legal en el territorio o en relación con la ley del Reino de España o con el trabajo de personas jurídicas o personas físicas en el Reino de España .
Gran número de acuerdos comerciales alcanzados en diversos campos de la economía y el derecho en el Reino de España o en los que intervienen personas jurídicas del Reino de España.
Lawyer Spain presta un número muy elevado de servicios jurídicos en una amplia gama de áreas jurídicas y proporciona representación ante las autoridades competentes, así como representación relacionada con la contratación y condiciones de asuntos jurídicos relacionados con el Reino de España.
Numerosos vínculos comerciales y legales de entidades legales con entidades legales en la República de Croacia, la República de Eslovenia, la República de Bosnia y Herzegovina, la República de Serbia, la República de Macedonia del Norte, la República de Montenegro, la República de Hungría, la República de Rumanía, la República de Bulgaria, la República de Turquía y otros países una cantidad significativa de trabajo legal que se realiza a diario y es muy importante para las relaciones jurídicas, todo ello de conformidad con las leyes aplicables a estas relaciones jurídicas.
Abogado industria alimentaria. Abogado Caza y Pesca. Abogado de exportación. abogado importador. Industria de abogados. abogado de TI. Representación de una firma de software de abogados. Abogado de derecho deportivo. Abogado de fútbol. El abogado de un futbolista.
Industria alimentaria España (abogado de la industria alimentaria), industria de la construcción España (abogado de la construcción – industria), abogado España viajes, abogado España, o asuntos legales relacionados con el derecho penal, como abogado detención Bilbao, abogado detención Barcelona, abogado detención Valencia, un abogado detenido en Madrid, son partes de asuntos legales donde los clientes necesitan apoyo legal profesional.
Abogado Madrid con amplia experiencia en el trabajo y representación de clientes, así como abogado Barcelona (abogado Barcelona), abogado Bilbao, abogado Vigo, abogado Zaragoza, abogado Marbella, abogado Ibiza (abogado Ibiza), abogado Mallorca (abogado Mallorca), abogado Sevilla Sevilla ), el abogado San Sebastián representa a personas físicas y jurídicas relacionadas con los negocios en el Reino de España.
En caso de que necesite resolver cuestiones jurídicas de diversa índole relacionadas con el Reino de España, puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de todos los datos de contacto y formularios que se encuentran en el sitio web.
Law office Montenegro.
When we talk about the lawyer’s services provided by the law office of the NM, lawyers have a special place in the work of law firms in Montenegro. A very important scope of legal work that NM lawyers perform in Montenegro is important for clients who have legal work in Montenegro. The importance of legal affairs performed in the Republic of Montenegro is based primarily on the predominant legal interest that clients from all parts of the world have in Montenegro.
First of all, we write here about business and legal situations that we can describe from work experience, and it concerns the situation of diversity of legal cases that need to be addressed in legal representation in the Republic of Montenegro. Thus, it is often the case that natural or legal persons coming from the United States (lawyer New York, lawyer New York, lawyer Montenegro), who need legal representation in the Republic, are very interested in legal services in the Republic of Montenegro. Montenegro.
Thus, we can distinguish situations when NM lawyers in Montenegro (NM lawyers Montenegro, NM lawyers Podgorica, lawyers Podgorica, lawyer Podgorica) are hired by clients for legal representation:
– Representation before the courts in Montenegro
– Representation before the court Montenegro
– Trial Montenegro (lawyer Montenegro), trial Podgorica (lawyer Podgorica)
– Conducting proceedings in Montenegro
– Administrative procedure Montenegro
– Administrative – inspection procedure Montenegro
– Criminal proceedings Montenegro
– Civil procedure Montenegro
– Hearing Montenegro
– Contracts Montenegro
– Negotiations Montenegro
– And other legal affairs Montenegro
We especially emphasize property relations and representations concerning immovable property and movable property in the Republic of Montenegro, which are resolved before the competent authorities in the Republic of Montenegro. We also emphasize the cases of representation between legal entities or between natural persons in Montenegro.
We especially emphasize the legal representation in Berane (lawyer Berane), representation lawyer Andrijevica Montenegro, lawyer Plav, lawyer Rožaje.
If you need to hire a lawyer to resolve your property or other legal issues in Plav, a lawyer in Berani, a lawyer in Rožaje, a lawyer in Andrijevica, feel free to call NM lawyers. Extensive experience and a large number of cases can help you, your family, your company or your friends to resolve legal issues that need to be resolved in the Republic of Montenegro.
You can resolve inheritance proceedings in the Republic of Montenegro before the competent authorities in the Republic of Montenegro from initiation to resolution in the Republic of Montenegro.
Investments, real estate purchases or investments in Montenegro, which is a very important legal business, represent a significant part of business in Montenegro.
Temporary residence, tax return in Montenegro.
Trials in city of Kotor for non-pecuniary or pecuniary damage. Trial of Herceg Novi lawyer. Resolving legal affairs in city of Plav. Purchase and investment in coastal places in Montenegro.
In case you need to regulate your property rights, which is a real right and as such is defined as the highest legal and factual authority over a certain thing, which allows unlimited use of the right holder in accordance with the prescribed limits in positive legislation, thus ensuring protection against abuse of rights and damage to other subjects of law NM law office are at your service.
Natural persons and legal entities may have, acquire and dispose of property rights in residential buildings, apartments, business buildings, business premises, agricultural land and other real estate, except for natural resources that are state-owned.
The right of ownership is acquired by the law itself, on the basis of legal business and inheritance.
In case you need a lawyer or a law office that will transfer ownership rights on your behalf and for your account, buy or sell an apartment, buy or sell business premises in the country or abroad, call NM law office.
The right of ownership is also acquired by a decision of a state body, in the manner and under the conditions determined by law. You can find out all about the right of ownership and the conditions under which you can acquire or otherwise dispose of the right of ownership by scheduling a meeting with NM lawyers. We expect you.
According to the law itself, the right of ownership is acquired by creating new things, merging, mixing, building on someone else’s land (building on someone else’s land that we could say is always a current topic), separating fruits, maintaining (acquiring rights by maintaining), acquiring property from non-owners, occupation and in other cases determined by law.
Property rights and “state” are not the same terms and do not mean the same phenomenon. The difference between the state and property rights, above all, is reflected in the fact that the state is only a factual situation, not a legal one.
Ownership of movables is acquired by the very surrender of things, symbolic surrender, e.g. car keys and the like.
In the case of real estate, the Contract of Sale (lawyer for the contract of sale), the Contract of Gift (lawyer, the contract of gift) and the like are the basis for acquiring property rights, while the method of acquiring property for real estate is registration in the competent real estate cadaster. Thus, the owner of a certain real estate is considered to be a person whose name is entered in the cadaster (entry in the cadaster of Serbia, entry in the land register of Croatia).
So just signing a contract is just the basis but not the way to acquire property. Paying the price is also not a way to acquire property.
Although, registration in the real estate cadaster is a way of acquiring property, there is also unregistered ownership. It includes all legal consequences, is the basis for acquiring property rights. So, if someone has documents (inheritance decisions, contracts, judgments) that are necessary for the registration of property rights, it is necessary to submit a request for registration of property rights without delay. The Law on State Survey and Cadaster regulated the structure and functioning of the real estate cadaster.
Real estates that, in terms of the said law, are entered in the real estate cadaster, are:
1) land (cadastral parcels of agricultural, forest, construction, water and other land);
2) above-ground and underground buildings;
3) special parts of buildings that make up the construction unit (apartment, office space, garage, etc.).
Facilities are: buildings of all kinds, commercial facilities, cultural, sports and recreation facilities, shelters and others construction objects.
If you need legal advice regarding the above, you can contact our law firm about the registration of property rights in the competent real estate cadaster, as well as the determination of the existence of a legal trace.
Every person is obliged to refrain from violating someone else’s property rights, but in practice the opposite situation often happens. In the second variant, the right to property is protected by submitting an appropriate lawsuit to the competent court with a request to protect the right, in which our law firm can also help you.
We especially emphasize the importance of legal assistance regarding property rights, protection of property rights related to real estate and movable property abroad, so we can talk about legal entities concerning:
-property in France, real estate lawyer France, real estate lawyer France, divorce lawyer France, inheritance lawyer France,
-property in Germany, real estate lawyer Germany, real estate lawyer Germany, divorce lawyer Germany, inheritance lawyer Germany,
-properties in Switzerland, real estate attorney Switzerland, real estate attorney Switzerland, divorce attorney Switzerland, inheritance attorney Switzerland,
-properties in Austria, real estate lawyer Austria, real estate lawyer Austria, divorce lawyer Austria, inheritance lawyer Austria,
-property in Italy, real estate attorney Italy, real estate attorney Italy, divorce attorney Italy, inheritance attorney Italy,
-properties in Serbia, lawyer for real estate acquisition Serbia, lawyer for real estate sale Serbia, divorce lawyer Serbia, lawyer for inheritance Serbia,
-properties in Croatia, real estate attorney Croatia, real estate attorney Croatia, divorce attorney Croatia, inheritance attorney Croatia,
-property in Slovenia, real estate attorney Slovenia, real estate attorney Slovenia, divorce attorney Slovenia, inheritance attorney Slovenia,
-properties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, real estate attorney Bosnia and Herzegovina, real estate attorney Bosnia and Herzegovina, divorce attorney Bosnia and Herzegovina, inheritance attorney Bosnia and Herzegovina,
-properties in Montenegro, real estate attorney Montenegro, real estate attorney attorney Montenegro, divorce attorney Montenegro, inheritance attorney Montenegro,
-as in other countries.
NM lawyers March 2022, abbreviations (hereinafter:)
building lawyer, apartment lawyer, apartment purchase lawyer, property division lawyer, divorce lawyer, marriage division lawyer, property transfer lawyer, lawsuit lawyer, appeal lawyer, real estate lawsuit lawyer, business building lawyer, business premises lawyer, agricultural land lawyer and real estate lawyer.
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