Professional lawyers with wide professional expertise
With NM Lawyers you can achieve all your goals.
Over 10 years of experience
Experts in all areas of law with the main focus on client´s satisfaction.
Our awards
Decorated with more than 10 domestic and world awards.
that you can
NM Lawyers present the legal profession in a completely new modern light. Advocacy that is supported by the most modern legal information system as well as technology that allows to reach the goal in the fastest and best possible way.
Effective legal advice
Professional legal representation
Proven results
About us
NM Regional Law Firm was founded in 2007 in Belgrade. Expertise and dedication to our clients have resulted in us becoming the most important and leading highly specialized law office in Serbia, Europe and the world. We provide highly specialized legal services at the highest professional level and with a recognized quality of work. We represent an extremely large number of significant clients who are mainly multinational companies, various institutions, institutions, foreign and domestic individuals. Lawyers who work in our office are the most recognized in their fields of work, primarily in Serbia, but also in Europe.
In addition to doing business in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, NM Lawyers successfully operate throughout Europe and the world as NM Lawyers Regional. In the territories of European countries, we cover the largest number of business industries and branches of business, with a huge number of legal resources that provide our clients with a complete legal offer and assistance from the most prominent lawyers of today. NM Lawyers together with NM Lawyers Regional represent the essence of the advocacy, the only most specialized group of lawyers you can find for international disputes and international law.
Our office management system in an area covering hundreds of millions of inhabitants, with a huge number of employees, could most simply be described as a single management system for all parts of the whole so that decisions are made efficiently and effectively, in a short time and in the best interest of the client. The work process itself is organized by industries and branches, and within the sector and department, automated and computerized according to the most modern world standards. In this way, we provide the best possible service to all our clients, both in Serbia and abroad.
The advantage we have is the high specialization of work in departments and the commitment of lawyers to work in specific areas of law.
Providing the highest quality conditions and meeting the goals of each client individually is our imperative and we pay special attention to it, as well as the culture and ethics of working relationships with all clients. In our work, we use unrivaled knowledge, the latest technologies and tools that allow us to achieve the best possible results and even exceed the expectations of our clients.
Professionalism & Commitment
It is good to know that you have legal aid that you can always rely on to the maximum. You are safe with us. Welcome to the NM Regional Law Firm.
Cliens who choose us over again
Clients who recommended us
Increase of the casescompared to the last 3 years
Successfully solved cases
Meet Out
The strength of our team is, above all, the applied professional knowledge from all legal fields, many years of experience and the world practice that we apply, focusing on the maximum satisfaction of our clients.
Marko M. Kovač
Marija A. Žilić