Tourism Law
A separate industrial group of work is represented by the representation of numerous clients in the field of hotel business and tourism law.
Special rules, a special way of organizing and working in the field of hotel business, and going through several very branched and complex phases during the establishment, setting rules and meeting the requirements of the law for hotel business are a special legal and legal scope of activities we perform.
Whether it is the purchase of a hotel facility and a hotel company, a ready-made brand that already existed before, or the construction of a new hotel with the construction of a new hotel name with market recognition, NM lawyers are the right choice for this branch of law.
It is of great economic importance that the hotel industry has in all modern countries of the world. With the exception of 2020, the economic expansion of the hotel, catering and tourism is exceptional. We single out the above as a separate industry and field of work, although these are essentially basic and basic legal affairs which, when all gathered in one place and directed to one goal, take the place of an industry such as the hotel industry.
We do our work both on the territory of the Republic of Serbia and abroad, which gives us exceptional value in knowing the job. We have significant experience in purchasing hotels and developing hotel business abroad and within the borders of the Republic of Serbia. We are one of the reliable partners in places that are at the forefront of the development of the hotel industry on a global level, as is the case with the Republic of Maldives. We participated in the purchase of tourist facilities in Thailand, in cooperation with travel agencies from Azerbaijan. We take care of contracts, lease of space, purchase of space, employment of labor.
We are the leading office when it comes to negotiations and representation with the competent state authorities regarding permits, approvals, licenses. We advise owners, financiers, banks, funds related to investments in this branch of business.
We pay special attention to compliance with the law, financial transactions, timely resolution of property issues, environmental approach, information technology, data protection law, etc.
We have proven to be a strong and reliable partner in cooperation with domestic and foreign investors.
In addition to the aforementioned countries, we are active and constantly present in the territories of the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Italy.
We also perform turnkey operations in the hotel business.
Tourism law in terms of work with clients includes a wide range of work and representation of travel workers and travel agencies, establishment of travel agencies, concluding contracts with subcontractors of travel agencies, assistance to individuals who need assistance related to transportation, compensation, travel arrangements, hotel or other accommodation and similar business arising from travel or tourism rights.
This legal activity is in a special way the source of a large number of legal transactions related to obligations and compensation for damage or to work with claims related to this legal area.
References and related topics:
We often hear the words, lawyer, hotel, which most quickly and best signify the importance of combining occupations with the hotel industry. Last year, due to “force majeure”, was such that even the most popular hotel centers, and we will mention only some of them: Hotel Dubrovnik, Hotel Split, Hotel Istra were forced to cooperate at the level of overcoming the situation in which they found themselves. Winter tourist centers are also important, so in that sense, lawyer Kopaonik, lawyer Zlatibor are the best determinants to mark our presence and work in these tourist centers as well.
Contracts in tourism, apartment lease agreement, individual travel contract, air transportation lawyer or lawyer for traffic accidents caused by more or less traffic bring us to connections with other branches of law that we deal with.
For more information you can contact us in person.